Alvaro Gaona

Electronics Engineer / Roboticist / Researcher


I have a strong interest in autonomous systems, particularly in the field of mobile robotics. The challenges presented by problems like perception, localization, navigation, control, and vehicle modeling deeply intrigue me. My enthusiasm lies in developing and researching novel algorithms tailored to tackle these issues. I enjoy putting these algorithms to the test within simulated environments to offer practical solutions for real-world problems.

Additionally, I have a curiosity for exploring machine learning algorithms and their application in this context. On a related note, I take pride in being a contributor to the PyTorch library since 2020, where I've had the opportunity to contribute to its growth and development. Check my contributions.

While I specialize in autonomous systems, my background also extends to software engineering. I find particular enjoyment in working with front-end technologies and staying current with the latest trends. This knowledge allows me to effectively showcase my side projects within the community.

Aside from my software engineering skills, I'm also involved in exciting research projects. I have numerous interests and a few publications that you can explore at your leisure.

Free Time

When I'm not busy coding or researching, I love to unwind with sports. Basketball and football are my go-to choices, but I'm also a huge Formula 1 fan. In fact, I enjoy keeping up with all the latest news and races!