A modern robotics development stack
Zed, Pixi and ROS2
For nearly a year now, I’ve been using the Zed editor as my primary development tool. It has dramatically boosted my productivity across both my day job and side projects. Along the way, I discovered Pixi, which has become my favorite package manager. As someone quite involved in robotics, Pixi has been transformative for my workflow, particularly because it makes ROS2 available out of the box with minimal setup hassle. The fact that it enables true cross-platform ROS2 development is revolutionary - we’re witnessing a real paradigm shift in robotics development.
I recently began working on implementing EKF Mono SLAM, a well-known algorithm in robotics computer vision. Though I’ve delayed this project for a while, I’m now ready to complete it. To maximize efficiency, I decided to leverage my preferred toolkit: Zed, Pixi, and ROS2.
However, this side project is just an excuse to demonstrate using Zed, Pixi and ROS2. While integrating these tools wasn’t trivial and took time to configure properly, the investment was absolutely worth it. There’s still room for improved interoperability between them, but the current workflow is already quite powerful.
Let’s start by setting up the Zed editor. While the initial configuration might take some getting used to, especially for those familiar with IDEs like CLion, PyCharm, or VS Code, the payoff in productivity is absolutely worth it.
First things first - let’s get some extensions installed. Since I’ll be juggling CMake, XML, and other config files, these will make our life so much easier.
Just hit Ctrl+Shift P
(or Cmd+Shift P
for Mac folks)
to pop open the command menu, then run zed: extensions
Pro tip: you can also use
Ctrl+Shift X
/Cmd+Shift X
as a shortcut to jump straight to extensions.
Here are the must-have extensions for our setup:
- NeoCMake
And feel free to browse around the extension store - there are tons of cool ones that might catch your eye.
When working with CMake projects, you’ll need to deal with CMakeLists.txt
files. By
default, Zed doesn’t know these are CMake files since they use the .txt extension. To
fix this, I’ll need to update Zed’s settings.
Open the command menu and search for zed: open settings
. This will bring up a JSON
file that’s probably empty if you’re new to Zed. Add these lines to tell Zed how to
handle CMakeLists.txt files:
"file_types": {
"CMake": ["CMakeLists.txt"]
Zed ships with clangd to handle C/C++ completion and diagnostics. While it might not have all the bells and whistles of other language servers, clangd does exactly what you need it to do. Code completion, jumping to definitions, and catching errors all work smoothly - and that’s what helps you write better code faster.
You’ll want to set up clang-tidy
and clang-format
to make your code look clean and
consistent. First step is creating a .clangd
file in your project’s root folder. Let’s
look at what goes in it.
CompilationDatabase: build
Compiler: clang++
MissingIncludes: None
UnusedIncludes: None
Add: ["*"]
Remove: [
Background: Build
Here’s the deal - the CompilationDatabase: build
tells clangd to search in the build directory
for a file named compile_commands.json
, generated by CMake to help
clangd track everything in the project. Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to set this up -
it’s pretty crucial for getting things working smoothly. While I’m using clang++
my compiler, you can totally pick whatever compiler works for you.
I ended up setting MissingIncludes: None
and UnusedInclude: None
because clang gets
a bit fussy with header files. You see, some headers bundle up other headers, and clang
likes to complain that certain types aren’t being used directly. Super annoying! Give
these settings a try yourself and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
For the clang-tidy
setup, I kept things pretty straightforward. I turned on all checks
with Add: ["*"]
, then just filtered out the ones I don’t want in my project using
Remove: [...]
. Nice and simple.
Now, let’s talk about clang-format
. Here’s the setup I like to use. Keep in mind that
formatting preferences are pretty personal - what works for me might not work for you or
your team. Feel free to tweak these settings to match your style.
Language: Cpp
BasedOnStyle: Google
ColumnLimit: 80
BinPackArguments: false
BinPackParameters: false
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true
AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: true
AlignAfterOpenBracket: BlockIndent
NamespaceIndentation: All
Alright, now that I’ve got Zed set up just the way I want it, let’s chat about Pixi. If you’ve used modern package managers like uv or Poetry, you’ll feel right at home with Pixi - especially if you’re coming from Python. For C/C++ folks, there might be a bit of a learning curve, but stick with me.
Getting started is super simple. Just head over to pixi.sh, grab the installer, and once installed, run:
pixi init
This creates two important files in your project:
The star of the show here is pixi.toml
- think of it as your project’s control center.
This is where you’ll list all your project info and keep track of what packages you
need. The cool thing about Pixi is that it plays nice with both PyPI and conda-forge.
While I won’t dive into the nitty-gritty of conda-forge right now, trust me - it’s a
game-changer for C/C++ projects.
The pixi.toml
file will look like this:
authors = ["Your Name <your-name@email.com>"]
channels = ["conda-forge"]
description = "Add a short description here"
name = "project-name"
platforms = ["linux-64"]
version = "0.1.0"
You can define platform restrictions, add conda channels, and more metadata. Pretty easy, isn’t it? In the ROS2 section I’ll touch dependencies, tasks, and channels.
Alright, here comes the fun part - this is where everything comes together. I’ll be mixing C++ ROS2 nodes with some Python magic for my launch files. Since these launch files are Python-based, I’ll also dive into getting Python LSP working smoothly in Zed.
First up, I need to tell ROS2 where to find its packages by tweaking our TOML file.
There’s an awesome community maintaining ROS packages in what’s called
- think of it as a treasure chest of ready-to-use ROS goodies.
Let’s add that channel to the project. Here’s how my TOML looks for the EKF Mono SLAM
name = "ekf_mono_slam"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Visual Mono SLAM with 1-Point RANSAC EKF"
authors = ["Alvaro <alvgaona@gmail.com>"]
channels = ["conda-forge", "robostack-staging"]
platforms = ["osx-64", "linux-64"]
Now for the good stuff - let’s grab all the packages I need. Just run this command and watch the magic happen:
pixi add ros-humble-desktop \
colcon-common-extensions \
ninja \
cmake \
pkg-config \
compilers \
ros-humble-ament-cmake-auto \
spdlog \
By default, Pixi plays nicely with conda packages. But if you need something
from PyPI instead, no worries. Just add --pypi
when you’re installing the package.
For example:
pixi add numpy --pypi
A pixi.lock
file will be added to your project. This is important to lock dependencies
and make things reproducible.
The [dependencies]
section will look like this:
ros-humble-desktop = ">=0.10.0,<0.11"
colcon-common-extensions = ">=0.3.0,<0.4"
ninja = ">=1.12.0,<1.13"
cmake = ">=3.28.3,<3.29"
pkg-config = ">=0.29.2,<0.30"
compilers = ">=1.7.0,<1.8"
ros-humble-ament-cmake-auto = ">=1.3.7,<1.4"
spdlog = ">=1.12.0,<1.13"
clang-format = ">=18.1.3,<18.2"
The versions may vary but you get the gist of it.
ROS package & nodes
Let’s set up the ROS package structure. First up, I need a solid folder layout. Here’s my favorite way to organize everything:
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include/
├── launch/
├── msg/
├── package.xml
├── src/
├── srv/
└── test/
It’s pretty straightforward - you’ll put your .cpp
files in src/
and headers in
. The other folders follow ROS conventions: launch/
for startup files, msg/
and srv/
for custom messages, and test/
for your test files.
Next up is the all-important package.xml
- think of it as your project’s ID card. Here’s
what it looks like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="http://download.ros.org/schema/package_format3.xsd" schematypens="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"?>
<package format="3">
<description>Visual Mono SLAM with 1-Point RANSAC EKF</description>
<maintainer email="alvgaona@gmail.com">Alvaro J. Gaona</maintainer>
I’m using ament_cmake
as my build tool and pulling in some standard ROS message types
I’ll need. To create my own custom messages - which is pretty cool - I need these three
special lines:
And finally, I toss in some test dependencies and tell ROS this is a CMake project with that export tag at the bottom. Nice and clean. 🚀
This section is extemely important and not very straightforward. I kept several hours trying to make all work. So here it goes.
Let’s break down the CMakeLists.txt file into nice, digestible chunks. The whole thing might look scary at first, but I’ll take it step by step.
- The project foundation
This is where I set up the basics - like telling CMake what version I need and making sure I’m using modern C++20. The generated compile commands file helps the editor understand the code better as explained before.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
- Getting the tools ready
Here I define all the packages the package needs. Think of it like making sure you have all your tools before starting a big project. I need ROS2 stuff, computer vision libraries, and some extras for logging and math. Since I’m using Pixi I won’t need to have a system-level install of OpenCV, Eigen, and spdlog. This is all installed and managed by Pixi which in the old days it wasn’t possible.
find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(sensor_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(geometry_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(cv_bridge REQUIRED)
find_package(image_transport REQUIRED)
find_package(Eigen3 3.4.0 REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenCV 4.9.0 REQUIRED)
find_package(spdlog 1.12.0 REQUIRED)
find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)
- Organizing the code
I sort my source files into neat little groups. Each GLOB_RECURSE
command looks
through its folder and grabs all the .cpp files it finds. This keeps things tidy
and makes it easy to add new files later.
file(GLOB_RECURSE config_src src/configuration/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE math_src src/math/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE filter_src src/filter/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE image_src src/image/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE feature_src src/feature/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE visual_src src/visual/*.cpp)
This makes it easier for anyone new to browse through a C/C++ ROS2 project. Here’s how the folders and files are laid out:
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include/
│ ├── configuration/
│ ├── ekf_node.h
│ ├── feature/
│ ├── feature_detector_node.h
│ ├── file_sequence_image_node.h
│ ├── filter/
│ ├── image/
│ ├── math/
│ └── visual/
├── launch/
│ └── vslam.launch.py
├── msg/
│ ├── CovarianceMatrix.msg
│ ├── ImageFeatureMeasurement.msg
│ ├── ImageFeatureMeasurementArray.msg
│ ├── ImageFeaturePrediction.msg
│ ├── ImagePoint.msg
│ └── State.msg
├── package.xml
├── src/
│ ├── ekf_node.cpp
│ ├── feature/
│ ├── feature_detector_node.cpp
│ ├── file_sequence_image_node.cpp
│ ├── filter/
│ ├── image/
│ ├── math/
│ └── visual/
├── srv
│ └── FeatureDetect.srv
└── test
├── resources/
├── utest_feature.cpp
├── utest_filter.cpp
├── utest_image.cpp
└── utest_math.cpp
The node files live directly under src/
and include/
. All the supporting code goes
into the other folders. This supporting code works independently of ROS - it just provides
the core functionality that the nodes use.
- Setting up custom messages
This part lets us create our own message types for ROS2. These messages help our nodes talk to each other. The typesupport stuff at the end helps C++ understand these custom messages.
rosidl_get_typesupport_target(cpp_typesupport_target ${PROJECT_NAME} rosidl_typesupport_cpp)
- Building the image node
This node handles loading and managing image sequences. I tell it what source files to use, what libraries it needs, and where to find all its header files.
add_executable(file_sequence_image src/file_sequence_image_node.cpp ${config_src} ${image_src})
ament_target_dependencies(file_sequence_image PUBLIC rclcpp std_msgs sensor_msgs cv_bridge image_transport)
target_link_libraries(file_sequence_image PUBLIC ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} spdlog::spdlog)
- Setting up the feature detector
Same idea as the image node, but this one spots interesting landmarks in our images that the system can track. It needs access to OpenCV for computer vision stuff.
add_executable(feature_detector src/feature_detector_node.cpp ${feature_src} ${visual_src})
ament_target_dependencies(feature_detector PUBLIC rclcpp std_msgs sensor_msgs cv_bridge)
target_link_libraries(feature_detector PUBLIC ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} spdlog::spdlog ${cpp_typesupport_target})
- Building the main EKF node
This is the star player - the Extended Kalman Filter node. It needs pretty much everything I’ve defined: math libraries, computer vision, and ROS messaging.
add_executable(ekf src/ekf_node.cpp ${filter_src} ${math_src} ${feature_src} ${visual_src})
ament_target_dependencies(ekf PUBLIC rclcpp std_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs cv_bridge image_transport)
target_link_libraries(ekf PUBLIC ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} spdlog::spdlog ${cpp_typesupport_target})
- Making the package installable
I tell ROS where to put my finished programs and launch files when someone installs my package. Pretty standard stuff.
- Getting ready for testing
Last but not least, I need to set up my test suite. I’ll grab all the test files, but skip the node files since I don’t want to test those directly. GMock helps us write better tests.
file(GLOB_RECURSE src_for_test src/*.cpp)
list(FILTER src_for_test EXCLUDE REGEX "src/.*_node.cpp")
find_package(ament_cmake_gmock REQUIRED)
ament_add_gmock(slam_test ${test_src} ${src_for_test})
ament_target_dependencies(slam_test std_msgs OpenCV)
target_link_libraries(slam_test spdlog::spdlog)
target_include_directories(slam_test PUBLIC
Launch files
Since the launch files use Python, I need to get Python LSP working in Zed.
Zed uses Pyright for Python language support, and setting it up with Pixi is pretty
straightforward. Remember that Pixi manages dependencies through conda environments,
storing everything in a .pixi
folder at your project’s root.
To point Pyright to the right Python interpreter, create a pyrightconfig.json
file in
your project root:
"venvPath": ".pixi/envs",
"venv": "default"
The venv
setting should match your conda environment name. You can adjust this based on
how you’ve configured your Pixi project.
Just for the sake of completion, I’m just showing you a ROS2 launch file.
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch_ros.actions import Node
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration
def generate_launch_description():
return LaunchDescription(
"image_dir", default_value="./resources/desk_translation/"
{"image_dir": LaunchConfiguration("image_dir")},
arguments=["--ros-args", "--log-level", "info"],
arguments=["--ros-args", "--log-level", "info"],
arguments=["--ros-args", "--log-level", "info"],
Building & testing
Building and testing ROS2 packages uses colcon, which can be a bit tricky at first. Here’s a reliable command to build your package:
colcon build \
--symlink-install \
--event-handler \
console_direct+ \
--cmake-args \
-G Ninja \
And when you want to run the tests:
colcon test --ctest-args tests ekf_mono_slam && ./build/ekf_mono_slam/slam_test
Note: Make sure the test executable name matches what you defined in your CMake setup.
Those commands are pretty lengthy to type out each time. I can make my life easier by adding
them as Pixi tasks. I just open pixi.toml
and add these under the [tasks]
build = { cmd = [
"-G Ninja",
] }
test = { cmd = [
] }
Now you can build and test with a simple command:
pixi run build && pixi run test
Final thoughts
After experiencing this powerful trio of Zed, Pixi, and ROS2, I can’t imagine going back to my old robotics development. Zed’s speed and efficiency, paired with Pixi’s seamless dependency management and ROS2’s robust robotics framework, creates a development environment that’s both powerful and pleasant to use.
While setting up this stack requires some initial investment, the productivity gains are well worth it. The ability to work cross-platform with consistent environments, combined with modern development tools, has eliminated many of the traditional pain points in robotics development.
A particularly exciting aspect of this setup is Zed’s remote development capabilities and AI assistance. When working with robotic platforms, being able to seamlessly connect to and develop directly on robot hardware through Zed Remote is invaluable. The built-in AI copilot also helps tremendously with ROS2 boilerplate code and common robotics patterns, making development even more efficient.
It’s worth noting that Pixi isn’t just for robotics - it’s an excellent package manager for any C/C++ project. Through conda-forge, it provides easy access to thousands of pre-built libraries and tools, eliminating the traditional headaches of C/C++ dependency management. Whether you’re building a game engine, a scientific computing application, or a systems tool, Pixi can dramatically simplify your build and dependency setup.
While the project itself is still a work in progress, you can find enough code and configurations in my EKF Mono SLAM repository to explore and understand how this development stack works together. I encourage you to experiment with these tools and adapt them to your own workflow.
The future of robotics development is moving toward more integrated, cross-platform solutions, and I believe this stack represents a significant step in that direction. Whether you’re building SLAM systems, working on robot control, or developing new algorithms, this modern development environment can help you work more effectively.
Feel free to reach out if you have questions or want to share your own experiences with this setup. Happy coding! 🤖